Wednesday, November 08, 2006

bridges at last

A bridge is a tipe of structure made to provide passage over obstacles like rivers, valleys, railroads, etc. These are the main types of bridges:

Arch bridges: it lays its weigh in the two bases located on each side of the obstacle relaying in compression.

Beam bridges: bridges that distribute their weigh trough a specially constructed beam that resist bending.

Cantilever bridges: It is similar to the beam Bridges but There are structures holding the two arms together and the connection to the pier may be a hinge structure with cabels or a rigid support.

Cable-stayed bridges: These kinds of bridges are bigger and the weight is distributed all over the spam by some type of cables which are made of high tensile steel and are suported by a solid pier.
Suspension bridges: it is an improved version of the Cable-stayed bridges and are used for bigger obstacles because they relay their weight in some more piers.

Trusses: is a type of structure that works as a bridge. A truss is used to reduce the weight of the structure itself by placing material where it can be most effective, using the principle of triangulation to achieve rigidity.

The technology used in bridges always depends on the type of the obstacle. The construction methods vary in complexity but always the process is begins on the study of the obstacle and the distance to travel.

A very good example of bridges in Venezuela is the Bridge “General Rafael Urdaneta” or “Bridge over Lake Maracaibo” the pride of my home town! This was once the biggest bridge in the world

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

To Montreal With love...

1. How each of the aspects shown in the video are related to architecture?

There are many aspects related to the architecture, its says on the video that part of the history of Montreal it’s it architecture itself, old neo classical buildings mingle with moderns ones and every sector of the city has the unique characteristics, for example, the Chinese sector that was build by the Chinese in migrants its something unique and has its own architecture, different from everything else in the city. There’s also some modern buildings that are breath taking, the Olympic stadium it’s a huge leaning tower that impress every one who goes to the top of it and stares at the city from above.

2. Write your opinion about Montreal from the point of view of an URBAN PLANER.

Well, the video didn’t have too much information from the point of view of an urban planer, it had that in common with this course of ID3124 but I can’t blame anybody, it’s just that we are too few to be taken on consideration.

I have a good friend of mine living in Canada and he usually visits Montreal because he loves it, he says that the public transportation it’s awesome all over the city and because Montreal it’s an old city, the downtown area its astonishing, it the true heart of Montreal and every takes place there.

As my friend usually tell me and as I could see on the video, Montreal despite its an old city, its well distribute and has space for almost everything, it has green areas that serve as lungs to the city, on top of that, the city its constructed over a square grid (that helps to correctly find locations as we can find point using vectors in math) and its growing without problems because from its star the distribution of the city had the vision to go bigger with the time.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rhythm & Acoustics

Every day you can lear somethig new. Today i´ve had an oportunity to look at some of the most beautifull building ive seen in my live, they are:

Tenerife Opera House in Santa Cruz (spain),

Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles,USA

Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, USA

Sydney Opera House, Australia

all of them, are concert halls, as you can see, two of them (the more impresives) are located near a harbor or the ocean and theri forms are quite similar because they try to adopt a more organic shape that will fit the envirorment.

In the interior of each one of this opera halls, the acustics specialist try to use the forms and materials to give an extraordinari experience, the sound clouds as the one we have in th Aula Magna are used in this buildings to maximize the sound quality by supressing the noisy reverberation and unwanted echos.

in other words: music that fills architecture, architecture made to be artworks, artworks that will be one with they envirorment tronsforming it into a millestone!

confronting the fact of being in 3-D

hey, this 1st entrance is just to test this page, im now in computer lab of english 4 and im very sleepy because im not sleping so well at home, i´ve guess that im just ancious, this trimester im working in a collectionist store and im also working as a sidekick ( preparador) in the university, plus 5 regular courses, its going to be quitea challenge